Prisutnost žena u zagrebačkom političkom tisku od 1920. do 1927

Autor: Ivana Šubic Kovačević
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Politička misao : časopis za politologiju
Volume 53
Issue 1
ISSN: 1846-8721
Popis: U radu se analizira prisutnost žena u zagrebačkom političkom tisku vodećihpolitičkih stranaka u vrijeme prvih parlamentarnih izbora u Kraljevini SHS(1920. – 1927.). Analiza obuhvaća političke priloge u stranačkim novinama:Radikalskom glasniku, Domu, Riječi SHS/Riječi i informativno-političkom dnevniku Jutarnjem listu. Analizirani su politički prilozi vezani za parlamentarne izbore i političku kulturu za godine 1920., 1923., 1925. i 1927. U političkim prilozima istražuje se prisutnost žena, koja u Radikalskom glasniku i Jutarnjem listu nije bila česta, dok je u Domu i Riječi bila učestalija. Analiza zagrebačkog političkog tiska je pokazala kako borba žena za pravo glasa i jednakost plaća u zagrebačkom stranačkom tisku (političkim prilozima) nije zabilježena, premda je postojala.
This article analyses the Zagreb newspapers of the major political parties and the presence of women in the political sections during the time of the first parliamentary elections (1920-1927). During this period, women were actively struggling to obtain the right to vote at the elections, as well as for equality in the workplace. Women’s struggle for political rights was not recorded in Zagreb’s party press, despite its existence. The analysis of the political sections in the newspapers has shown that women were rarely mentioned, and in those instances were presented only as mothers and housewives. They were mentioned the most in the sections of Dom (48 times), and only 6 times in Radikalski glasnik and Riječ, while they were mentioned the least in Jutarnji list (5 times). Dom is the only political newspaper that presented women in its political sections in a positive light. Radikalski glasnik and Riječ had only brief mentions of women, and mostly in a negative light, while Jutarnji list, as a neutral informative party paper, had almost no mentions of women in its political sections.
Databáze: OpenAIRE