The marginal and abandoned - the focus of Stadler's pastoral work then and now

Autor: Pero Aračić, Anto Pavlović
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Vrhbosnensia : časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja
Volume 25
Issue 1
ISSN: 2233-1387
Popis: U radu se propituje profil nadbiskupa vrhbosanskoga Josipa Stadlera pod vidom utjecaja njegova ranog djetinjstva i opredjeljenja da cijeli svoj život, djelovanje, sredstva usmjeri na uspostavu struktura kako materijalnih, tako i ljudskih kako bi osigurao pomaganje potrebnih. Očito je kako je činjenica da je vrlo rano ostao bez roditelja i njegov život u zajednicama ugrožene i napuštene djece ili koja su to postala nesretnim prilikama, kao što je bio njegov slučaj, utjecao na to da se u svojem životu posveti upravo potrebnima. Živio je i školovao se u orfanotrofiju (sirotište) u Požegi, poslije u zagrebačkom orfanotrofiju sv. Martina u Vlaškoj ulici. To se iskustvo ranog djetinjstva osjećalo za boravka u Rimu, u radu kao profesora na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i nadbiskupa u Sarajevu. U svim tim fazama prisutna je dimenzija brige i stvaranja mehanizama pomoći potrebnima. Kao nadbiskup osniva dva sirotišta u Sarajevu s pripadnim ekonomskim jedinicama kako bi im osigurao materijalnu samostalnost. Kao krunu osniva red sestara Družbe Služavki Malog Isusa. Njima u redovničkim Pravilima ostavlja usmjerenje da se služi svakom ljudskom biću u potrebi kao malom Isusu. Zanimljiv je njegov pristup u pomaganju: nije gledao naciju ni vjeru! Bio je apostol kršćanske ljubavi
This paper examines the life and work of the Archbishop of Vrhbosna, Josip Stadler, in terms of the influence of his early childhood and his commitment to establishing material and human structures in his life, his activities and his capabilities in order to help those in need. Clearly, the fact that he lost his parents when he was very young and spent time in homes for children who were vulnerable or who had the sad fate of being abandoned influenced his decision to dedicate his life to those who were in need. He lived and studied in the orphanage in Požega, and later in the Zagreb orphanage of St. Martin in Vlaška Street. This experience of early childhood was felt during his stay in Rome, during his tenure as a professor at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb, and when he served as Archbishop of Sarajevo. In each of these phases, there was a dimension of care and the creation of mechanisms to help those in need. As Archbishop, he founded two orphanages in Sarajevo with corresponding economic units to ensure their material independence. On top of this, he founded the Congregation of the Society the Servants of the Child Jesus, to whom he left Instructions to serve every human being in need, as the image of the Child Jesus. His approach to helping others is notable in that he did not consider the ethnicity or the religious affiliation of those whom he helped! He was an apostle of Christian love.
Databáze: OpenAIRE