Procjena oralnoga zdravstvenog stanja i zubnog plaka u turskoj studentskoj populaciji, osim kod studenata upisanih na Stomatološki fakultet
Autor: | Gulcan Coskun AKAR, Hatice Uluer, Nezih Metin OZMUTAF, Zuhal Ozgur, Bulent Gokce |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2010 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine Volume 44 Issue 1 |
ISSN: | 1846-0410 0001-7019 |
Popis: | Svrha: Zadatak ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati oralni status i zubni plak kod studenata upisanih na sve visoke škole, osim na Stomatološki fakultet. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 308 studenta i to 238 muškaraca i 70 žena. Svi su ispunili upitnike kako bi stručnjaci skupili informacije o njihovim navikama u vezi s oralnom higijenom te na temelju tih podataka procijenili stanje njihova oralnog zdravlja. Status zubnog karijesa određivao se prema smjernicama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije za kriterije karijesa, zuba koji manjkaju i onih s ispunima te broj zahvaćenih površina. Za procjenu statusa plaka bio je odabran Silness-Löeov indeks. Osim navedenoga, zapisivalo se i koji se materijal rabio za ispune te je na kraju klinički ocijenjeno njihovo stanje. Rezultati: Svi su studenti održavali oralnu higijenu – 92,3 posto koristilo se četkicom i zubnom pastom, a 43,3 posto njih četkali su zube dva ili više puta na dan. Kod pregledanih studenata aritmetička sredina KEP-indeksa zuba iznosila je 1,54 (±1,60), a KEP-indeksa površine 7,62 (±7,85). Aritmetička sredina indeksa plaka bila je 1,01 (±0,40). KEP-indeks bio je niži kod žena negoli kod muškaraca, premda statistički razlika nije bila velika. Povezanost spola i indeksa plaka bila je statistički znatna (p=0,006) - studenti su imali više plaka od studentica. aključak: Premda su KEP-indeksi zuba studenata bili razmjerno niski i njihovo oralno zdravlje dobro, trebalo ih je obavijestiti o njihovu stanju i je li im tijekom školovanja potrebna protetska rehabilitacija. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the oral health status, and dental plaque with that of non-dental students. Methods: 308 university students were included in this study (238 females and 70 males). A questionnaire was used to collect information on oral hygiene habits and self-reported perception of oral health status of the students. Dental caries status was evaluated using the World Health Organization caries diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing, and filled teeth and surface. For the evaluation of plaque status, Silness&Löe plaque index was utilized. Besides these, material of restorations worn by the students were recorded and clinically evaluated. Results: It was observed that all the students performed oral care, 92.3% used toothbrush and toothpaste for care, and the frequency of brushing the teeth twice or more a day was 43.3%. The mean DMFT index was 1.54 (±1.60), the mean DMFS index was 7.62 (±7.85) for the students. The mean plaque index of the students was 1.01 (±0.40). DMFT score was lower in females than males, however, these differences were not statistically significant. The relationship between gender and plaque was observed to be significant (p=0.006). Male students had more plaque than the female ones. Conclusions: Although DMFT and plaque indices of the students were relatively low and their perception of oral health was good, they had to be evaluated and informed about oral health status and needs of prosthetic rehabilitation during their education. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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