Slika žene u »starom feminizmu« i u novom feminizmu Ivana Pavla II. i Benedikta XVI

Autor: Marijo Volarević
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti
Volume 68.
Issue 1.
ISSN: 1849-0182
Popis: U članku se autor bavi fenomenom feminizma i slikom žene kakvu feminizam prikazuje kroz svoje povijesne faze. U prvome dijelu, polazeći od povijesti feminizma, autor prati mijenjanje slike žene u svakoj od pojedinih faza. Posebno se osvrće na problematiku tumačenja naravi i kulture, roda i spola, u drugome i trećem valu feminizma u kojima je pod utjecajima postmoderne i rodne teorije došlo do dekonstrukcije naravne slike žene. Naime, dok s jedne strane postmoderni feminizam (postfeminizam) dovodi u pitanje postojanja kategorije žene kao takve ističući da ne postoji žena (ut sic) nego postoji kategorija ženā (bjelkinje, crnkinje, lezbijke, heteroseksualne itd.), s druge strane, rodna teorija kategoriju žene smatra proizvodom kulture. U drugome dijelu rada, autor prema novijoj katoličkoj biblijsko–teološkoj antropologiji Ivana Pavla II. i Benedikta XVI. tumači naravnu sliku žene. Na kraju, imajući u vidu sliku žene prema »staromu feminizmu«, kao i utjecaj rodne teorije na naravnu sliku žene, autor u novome feminizmu vidi mogući put ne samo u očuvanju naravne slike žene, nego i mogućnost stvaranja drugačije kulture, kulture u kojoj žena ne bi bila diskriminirana.
In the article the author deals with the phenomenon of feminism and the image of women portrayed by feminism through its historical phases. In the first section, starting from the history of feminism and its various phases, the author traces the changes in the image of women in each individual phase. The author makes a special reference to the problem of interpretation of nature and culture, gender and sexuality in the second and third waves of feminism in which, under the influence of postmodernism and the gender theory, there came about a deconstruction of the natural image of women. Namely, while on the one hand postmodern feminism (post–feminism) questions the existence of the category »woman« as such, emphasizing that »woman« does not exist (ut sic), but rather only a category of women (white, black, lesbian, heterosexual, etc.), on the other hand the gender theory considers the category »woman« a product of culture. In the second section of the essay the author explains the natural image of women according to the more recent Catholic bibilical–theological anthropology of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Taking into account the image of women from the aspect of »the old feminism«, and the influence of the gender theory on the natural image of women, the author sees in the new feminism a possible means not only of preserving the natural image of women, but also the possibilty of creating a different culture, a culture in which women would not be discriminated.
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