Anatomska rekonstrukcija prednjeg križnog ligamenta

Autor: Garth N. Walker, Jennifer D’Auria, Liang R. Cui, Carola F. Van Eck, Freddie H. Fu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Medicina Fluminensis : Medicina Fluminensis
Volume 51
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-820X
Popis: Tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are one of the most common injuries to active individuals. The history of reconstructing a ruptured ACL has undergone many advances from open, extra-articular reconstructions, to modern day advanced arthroscopic techniques. Some of these new arthroscopic techniques use small incisions and standardized instruments reducing the surgical time, however, they fail to restore the native ACL anatomy. Recent studies have shown that non-anatomical reconstruction might result in suboptimal clinical outcomes. As a result, anatomic ACL reconstruction has gained popularity. The cornerstone of anatomic ACL reconstruction is the functional restoration of the ACL to its native dimensions, collagen orientation, and insertion sites. This article is meant to provide the most up-to-date literature review regarding anatomic ACL reconstruction.
Ozljede prednjeg križnog ligament (PKL) spadaju među najčešće sportske ozljede koljena. Povijest rekonstrukcije PKL-a prešla je dug put od otvorenih metoda do današnji modernih artroskopskih tehnika. Pri nekim artroskopskim tehnikama koriste se male incizije uz upotrebu standardiziranih instrumenata, čime se značajno skraćuje vrijeme operacije, ali se ne uspijeva u cijelosti rekonstruirati anatomsko hvatište PKL-a. Novije studije pokazale su da se takvim rekonstrukcijama ne uspijevaju postići zadovoljavajući klinički rezultati. Cilj anatomske rekonstrukcije jest rekonstukcija prirodne duljine i promjera PKL-a, orijetnacije kolagenih vlakana i anatomskih hvatišta. U ovom radu dajemo pregled najnovije literature koja se bavi anatomskom rekonstrukcijom PKL-a.
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