Tradicionalni i inovativni registar u Ogledu zapažanja o otoku Cresu i Osoru Alberta Fortisa

Autor: Smiljka Malinar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia : Revue publiée par les Sections romane, italienne et anglaise de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Zagreb
Volume 53
ISSN: 1849-1421
Popis: The Paduan scientist Alberto Fortis, who gained renown throughout Europe for his discovery of the Morlachs and the publishing of «Hasanaginica» in his most famous work, «Viaggio in Dalmazia», began his career as a travel writer with a report on a scientifi c journey on the islands of Cres and Osor, «Saggio d’Osservazioni sopra l’Isola di Cherso ed Osero», published in 1771. Fortis was primarily interested in geological phenomena, with which he wanted to refresh certain scientific theories. But he also recorded his observations about the island’s economy and the way of life and customs of its inhabitants. In Italy during the second half of the eighteenth century there was much lively debate about the language of scientific texts. Traditional complex and periphrastic forms of literary origin were used in opposition to the economy and directness of French prose. In this article, selected examples from Fortis’s travelogue are investigated to determine to what degree that champion of «modernity» and rerformist on the intellectual and social level, by the linguistic structure of its text, realized the corresponding innovative principles, and how much he remained indebted to his own traditionally imposed education and the environment in which he spent his early years.
Padovanski znanstvenik Alberto Fortis koji je stekao slavu diljem Europe otkrićem Morlaka i objavljivanjem Hasanaginice u svome najpoznatijem djelu, Viaggio in Dalmazia (Put po Dalmaciji), karij eru putopisca počeo je izvješćem o znanstvenome putovanju po Cresu, Osoru (Lošinju), Saggio d’Osservazioni sopra l’Isola di Cherso ed Osero (Ogled zapažanja o otoku Cresu i Osoru), objavljenome 1771. godine. Fortisa su u prvome redu zanimale geološke pojave kojima je želio potkrijepiti određene znanstvene teorije, a pribilježio je i zapažanja o otočkoj privredi te načinu života i običajima tamošnjih stanovnika. U Italiji se u drugoj polovici osamnaestog stoljeća vode žive rasprave o jeziku znanstvenih tekstova. Tradicionalnim složenim i perifrastičnim formama literarnoga podrijetla suprotstavlja se ekonomičnost i izravnost francuske proze. U članku se na odabranim primjerima Fortisova putopisa ispituje u kojoj je mjeri taj pobornik „moderniteta“ i reformist na intelektualnom i društvenom planu jezičnim ustrojstvom svojega teksta ostvario odgovarajuća inovativna načela, a koliko je ostao dužnikom svoje tradicionalno impostirane naobrazbe i sredine u kojoj se kretao u svojima ranim godinama.
Databáze: OpenAIRE