Permanent Diaconate as a Way of Personalising Ministries of the Church and Being the Agitator of Constant Revival in the Church

Autor: Ivan Šaško
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 72
Issue 2-3
ISSN: 1848-9648
Popis: Pretpostavljajući poznavanje općenite problematike sakramenta sv. reda i službâ u Crkvi, članak se usredotočuje na posebnost pristupa kršćanskome služenju u perspektivi i kroz prizmu đakona(ta) ne kao neke prijelazne službe, već đakona kao lika prijelaza, ističući - ali ne i apsolutizirajući - posebnost odnosa prema biskupu. Kratke poveznice s prošlošću i liturgijskim vrelima, iščitavajući teologiju molitve ređenja prema Traditio apostolica i Sacramentarium Veronense, omogućuju uočavanje kulturalno-teoloških odrednica za razvoj koji je doveo do sadašnjega pristupa, ponovno najvidljivijega u molitvi ređenja. Polazište euhološke baštine nameće pitanje odnosa ministerijalnih funkcija i odnosa đakona prema biskupu. Drugi dio članka, uvažavajući govor tradicije, najprije etimološki problematizira pridjev trajni (vezan uz đakonat) i smatra ga neprimjerenim. Analizom sadašnjega obreda, autor dolazi do teorijsko-praktičkih aspekata definiranja identiteta i službe đakona, pokušavajući ga promatrati u kontekstu uosobljavanja crkvene dijakonije. Time se otvara put prema koordinaciji njegove djelatnosti s prezbiterima te izbjegava klerikalizacija laikata.
Assuming familiarity with the general problem of the Sacrament of the Holy Order and ministries within the Church, the article concentrates on the special nature of the approach of Christian ministries from the perspective and through the prism of the diaconate, not as a transitory ministry but rather as the figure of that transition, pointing out - without conditioning - the specificity of the relationship with the bishop. Brief liaisons with the past and Liturgical sources, listing the theology of prayer pertaining to ordaination according to Traditio aposiolica and the Sacramantarium Veronenese, enables us to perceive the cultural-theological guidelines of development that led to the current approach, once again most commonly seen in the prayer of ordaination. The starting point of euchological heritage presents the question of relations between ministerial functions and relations between the deacon and bishop. Keeping in mind the vocabulary of tradition, the second part of the article firstly presents and etymological analysis of the adjective, permanent (in reference to diaconate) and considers it inappropriate. By analysing the current rite the author arrives at the theoretical-practical aspects of defining the identity and ministry of the deacon, attempting to observe him in the context of personalising Church ministries. In this way the author opens the path towards co-ordinating his activities with priests and avoiding the danger of clericalising the laity.
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