Motor Abilities and School Readiness of Disadvantaged Children

Autor: Josip Lepeš, Szabolcs Halasi, Josip Ivanović
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Croatian Journal of Education : Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
Volume 18
Issue Sp.Ed.1
ISSN: 1848-5197
Popis: From the day a person is born motor development is very important. There are different phases of motor development, and if some of the phases are omitted, the child will probably have difficulties in physical, social and psychological development. Physical activity is positively related to academic achievement (Coe, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves, & Malina, 2006), cognitive functioning (Ellemberg, 2010) and physical and general self-validation (Crocker, Kowalski, & Hadd, 2008). Unfortunately, not every child has an opportunity for healthy motor development. Furthermore, the majority of disadvantaged children start school with social, cultural and educational disadvantages. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between typically developed children and disadvantaged children in the first grade of elementary school in the areas of school readiness and motor abilities. A battery of 7 school-readiness tests (DIFER) and 7 motor tests was administered to a sample of 19 disadvantaged children (M=7.56, SD=0.87) and 25 typically developed children (M=7.53, SD=0.35). Significant differences (F=5.43; P≤0.05) between the groups were observed in both areas. The disadvantaged children were falling considerably behind their peers. In those preschool and primary school institutions where the disadvantaged children from lower social status are enrolled in large numbers, a straightforward form of motor skills development ought to be implemented. A developmental programme would provide further help for preparing disadvantaged children for academic learning.
Motorički razvoj u kojem postoje različite faze vrlo je važan. Posljedica nepostojanja različitih faza vjerojatno bi bili problemi u fizičkom, socijalnom i psihološkom razvoju. Fizička aktivnost pozitivno je povezana s akademskim postignućem (Coe, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves & Malina, 2006.), kognitivnim funkcioniranjem (Ellemberg, 2010.), fizičkim i općim samovrednovanjem (Crocker, Kowalski & Hadd, 2008.). Nažalost, nema svako dijete mogućnost za zdravi motorni razvoj. Štoviše, većina djece s posebnim potrebama započinje školovanje s posebnim socijalnim, kulturnim i obrazovnim potrebama. Cilj je ove studije ocijeniti razlike između normalno razvijene djece iz prvoga razreda osnovne škole i djece s posebnim potrebama u područjima spremnosti za školu i motornih sposobnosti. Baterija 7 testova spremnosti za školu (DIFER) i 7 motornih testova provedena je na uzorku od 19 djece s posebnim potrebama (M = 7,56; SD = 0,87) i 25 normalno razvijene djece (M = 7,53; SD = 0,35). Značajne razlike (F = 5,43; P ≤ 0,05) među skupinama uočene su u oba područja; djeca s posebnim potrebama značajno su zaostajala za vršnjacima iz većinske skupine. U predškolskim i osnovnoškolskim ustanovama u kojima su u velikom broju upisana djeca s posebnim potrebama iz nižega socijalnog sloja treba primijeniti neposredni oblik razvoja motornih vještina. Razvojni program pružio bi daljnju pomoć za pripremu djece s posebnim potrebama za akademsko postignuće.
Databáze: OpenAIRE