Autor: | Mesić, Željka, Primorac, Viktorija, Cerjak, Marija |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Ekonomska misao i praksa Volume 31 Issue 1 |
ISSN: | 1848-963X 1330-1039 |
Popis: | Rural tourism has become one of the most popular strategies for rural development, and motivation is one of the most important criteria for identifying market segments. The aim of this paper is to explore the travel motivations of domestic rural tourists in Croatia and to identify a profile of rural tourists based on push travel motivation and tourist behaviour. An online survey was conducted on a convenient sample of 307 respondents. The collected data were analysed using factor analysis followed by cluster analysis. For rural tourists in Croatia, the most important travel motives are seeking relaxation and learning new things. Using a factor–cluster approach to market segmentation, the following four segments were identified: (1) Rural researchers and seekers of relaxation (16.8%), (2) Excitement seekers (29.0%), (3) Passive tourists (22.8%), and (4) Family rural tourists (31.4%). The study confirms the appropriateness of the push motives for segmenting tourists in emerging rural tourism destinations. The findings may help destination marketers to develop effective promotional and business strategies. Ruralni turizam je postao jedna od najpopularnijih strategija ruralnog razvoja, a motivacija jedan od najvažnijih kriterija za utvrđivanje tržišnih segmenata. Cilj rada je istražiti motive putovanja domaćih ruralnih turista u Hrvatskoj i utvrditi profil ruralnih turista na temelju potisnih motiva putovanja. Provedeno je online anketno ispitivanje na prigodnom uzorku od 307 ispitanika. Prikupljeni podatci analizirani su faktorskom i klaster analizom. Ruralnim turistima u Hrvatskoj najvažniji motivi putovanja su opuštanje i stjecanje novih znanja. Uz pomoć faktorske i klaster analize utvrđena su četiri tržišna segmenta: (1) Ruralni istraživači i turisti u potrazi za opuštanjem (16,8 %), (2) Turisti željni uzbuđenja (29,0 %), (3) Pasivni turisti (22,8 %) i (4) Obiteljski ruralni turisti (31, 4%). Studija potvrđuje prikladnost potisnih motiva za segmentaciju turista u ruralnim turističkim destinacijama u razvoju. Rezultati mogu pomoći marketinškim stručnjacima pri izradi marketinških i poslovnih strategija u svrhu boljeg upravljanja ponudom turističkih destinacija u ruralnim područjima. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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