Griffon Vultures and the Inhabitants of the Island of Cres : Co-habitation of Humans, Sheep and Griffon Vultures

Autor: Marina Jurkota Rebrović
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Etnološka istraživanja
Issue 22
ISSN: 1847-6198
Popis: Na otoku Cresu ovčarstvo je stoljećima bilo temeljna gospodarska djelatnost koja je čovjeku omogućila opstanak. Usporedno je upoznavao i sve ostale čimbenike toga područja pa je tako gospodarenje ovcom značilo i dijeliti otočki krajolik s bjeloglavim supom (Gyps fulvus). Pretpostavljamo da usputnim promatranjem te upečatljive ptice čovjek prepoznaje i neke obrasce njezina ponašanja. Ta znanja su se prenosila generacijama usmenom predajom. Isto tako se i odnos prema ptici vremenom nije bitno mijenjao i možda bi ga mogli opisati kao nekakav oblik simbioze. Postupno zamiranje broja ovaca jedan je od razloga i za smanjenje broja supova pa tu ugroženu pticu ornitolozi krajem sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća počinju sistematično istraživati. Prisutnošću u različitim medijima svijest i znanja utkani su u recentni odnos prema tim pticama i suživot s njima. Rezultati znanstvenih istraživanja u određenoj mjeri usmjerili su rad u lokanoj upravnoj te turističkoj zajednici. Stvaranjem novih elemenata baštinskoga identiteta prostora, koji su jako zanimljivi i novim turističkim, ekološkim, ekonomskim, socijalnim i drugim kretanjima djeluje se i na oblikovanje odnosa. Spektar različitosti tih odnosa vidljiv je na individualnoj razini, ali i unutar geografskosocijalno- ekonomskih cjelina otoka.
For centuries sheep husbandry was the fundamental economic activity on the island of Cres that allowed humans to survive. Simultaneously, humans became acquainted with other factors of the area. Hence, becoming involved in sheep husbandry also implied sharing the landscape of the island with griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus). It can be assumed that by watching these impressive birds humans can gain insight into their behavioural patterns. This knowledge has been passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. Similarly, the relationship with the birds has not changed significantly over time and it can hence be referred to as some kind of symbiosis. The gradually decreasing number of sheep is also the reason for the decline in the number of griffon vultures. Consequently, in the 1970’s ornithologists became involved in systematic observation of these birds. Through extensive media presence, the awareness of these birds and the knowledge about this species have permeated the human co-existence on the island with it. Scientific research findings considerably contributed to focusing and improving the work in the local administration and tourist community. The shaping of the relationship can also be affected through the creation of new elements of spatial identity from the aspect of heritage, which is highly interesting for the new tourism, ecologic, economic, social and other developments. The spectrum of diversity in this relation is visible at an individual level and also within the geo-social-economic aspect of the island.
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