Autor: Žarko Koboević, Branka Milošević-Pujo, Željko Kurtela
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: NAŠE MORE : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo
Volume 59
Issue 3-4
ISSN: 1848-6320
Popis: Onečišćenje morskog okoliša je u porastu kao rezultat onečišćenja s kopna zbog rasta populacije stanovništva i jednako tako s plovila zbog rasta prometa morem. Posljedice toga u prostoru obalnoga mora reflektiraju se na gospodarstvo, javno zdravstvo i nepovratno gubljenje bioraznolikosti i morskih organizama. Svjesna te činjenice, međunarodna zajednica ulaže velike napore kako bi se zaustavili, ili barem usporili, negativni trendovi u onečišćenju obalnog mora. Razlozi još uvijek nedostatne učinkovitosti u zaštiti i očuvanju mora složeni su i brojni. Uz gospodarske, političke i druge različitosti država te probleme ograničenih financijskih izvora, posebice valja izdvojiti još uvijek nizak politički prioritet koji ima okoliš i nedostatnu javnu svijest o problemu zaštite okoliša u pojedinim državama. Međutim, koncepti u zaštiti okoliša, poput „Održivi razvoj“ i „Integrirano upravljanje obalnim područjem“ te nastojanje međunarodne zajednice da primijeni spomenute koncepte kod većeg broj država i regija, pomažu u učinkovitijoj zaštiti mora od onečišćenja i drugih negativnih posljedica. Europska zajednica ima veliki doprinos u procesu zaštite mora i obalnog područja donošenjem pravnih akata koji su obvezujući za njezine sadašnje i buduće članice, ali i za sve države potpisnice konvencija i protokola na razini regije Mediterana. Održivi razvoj i integrirano upravljanje obalnim područjem upućuju na upotrebu obogaćivanja ekološke mreže zaštite i očuvanja mora, posebice kad su u pitanju strateški i politički modeli partnerstva i dobrosusjedstva s državama i izvan Europske zajednice.
Sea environment pollution is constatly increasing as the result of the pollution from shore, due to the population increase, as well as from seagoing vessels due to the increased sea traffic. Coastal sea pollution consequently has an impact on economy and public health . It has a special influence to the loss of marine biodiversity and means the threat for sea species. Aware of the above mentioned facts, the international community is making great efforts to stop or at least to slow down the negative trends in the pollution of coastal waters. The reasons for the lack of efficiency in the protection and conservation of the sea are complex and numerous. Besides economic, political and other differences and problems of limited state financial resources, in particular there is still a low political priority of the environment, and insufficient public awareness of the environmental problems in individual countries. concepts in the understanding of environmental protection, such as “Sustainable Development” and “Integrated Coastal Zone Management” and the efforts of the international community in applying the above concepts to the growing number of countries and regions, helps in more efficient prevention of sea pollution and many other negative consequences. The European Community has a major contribution to the protection of sea and coastal areas through the adoption of a series of Acts that are obligatory for its current and future members, but also for all States Parties to the Conventions and Protocols on the level of the Mediterranean region. Sustainable Development and Integrated Coastal Zone Management indicate the necessity of enriching the ecological network of protection and conservation of the sea, especially when it comes to strategic and political models of partnership and good neighbourly relations with the countries outside the European Community.
Databáze: OpenAIRE