Autor: Jordan Trajkoski, Milan Mitreski, Valentina Pelinavoska, Robin Mavroski, Marjan Trajkoski
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Agronomski glasnik : Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva
Volume 78
Issue 2-3
ISSN: 1848-8900
Popis: Tehnološka svojstva duhana podijeljena su u 3 skupine: fizičke, morfološke i organoleptičke. Poznavanje i određivanje ovih svojstava od velikog je značenja jer se u praksi pomoću njih procjenjuje sirovi duhan. Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je utjecaj tehnoloških karakteristika: zastupljenost glavnog rebra, debljina listova i prinos na tehnološko-komercijalnu kvalitetu ispitivanih sorti. Ispitivanja su izvršena na pokusnom polju Znanstvenog duhanskog instituta - Prilep. Pokus je postavljen u 4 ponavljanja po metodi randomiziranih blokova. Ispitane su 3 sorte duhana Jaka: JV 125/3 (kontrola), JZ-7 i JK-48. Rezultati dobiveni u laboratoriju za ispitivanje kvalitete i autentičnosti duhanske sirovine L04 Znanstvenog instituta duhana - Prilep pokazali su da je udio zastupljenosti glavnog rebra kod ispitivanih sorti u granicama kvalitete duhanske sirovine od 16,05 % kod sorte JZ-7, do 18,25 % kod sorte JK-48, a masa od 44,92 g/m2 (JV 125/3) do 48.90 g/m2 (JZ-7). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da sorte duhana Jaka imaju vrlo dobra tehnološka svojstva, odnosno imaju visoku tehnološko-komercijalnu kvalitetu.
Technological properties are a number of properties divided into three groups: physical, morphological and organoleptic. Knowledge and determination of these properties is very important because in practice, they help in the evaluation of raw tobacco leaf. The purpose of this study was to examine the important technological properties: representation of the midrib in the leaves, the thickness of tobacco leaves and materiality, and by them to show the technological and commercial quality of the tested varieties. Investigations were carried out in the Scientific Tobacco Institute-Prilep. The trial was set up by the method of randomized blocks with four replications. Three varieties of Yaka tobacco were examined: Yaka YV 125/3 Ø (control), Yaka YZ - 7 и Yaka YK- 48. The results obtained in the accredited Laboratory for control of authenticity and quality of raw tobacco - L04 in Scientific Tobacco Institute - Prilep, showed that percentage representation of midrib was within the boundaries of the quality of raw tobacco or 16.05% in variety JZ - 7 to 18.25% in JK – 48. Materiality is from 44.92 g/m2 (YV 125/3), to 48.90 g/m2 (YZ - 7). The obtained results show that the investigated Yaka tobacco varieties have good technological properties and high technological and commercial quality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE