Construction of D-Graphs Related to Periodic Tilings

Autor: Attila Bölcskei, Mónika Szél-Koponyás
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: KoG
Volume 6.
Issue 6.
ISSN: 1846-4068
Popis: This paper presents an algorithm which allows to derive classification methods concerning periodic tilings in any dimension, theoretically. By the help of this, one can check former results of the topic (e. g. [BM98, BM00]). An implementation of the algorithm yields the complete enumeration of non-isomorphic three-dimensional D-graphs with 5 elements, given as illustration.
U radu je dan algoritam koji teoretski omogućuje izvođenje metoda za klasifikaciju periodičkih popločavanja u svakoj dimenziji. Pomoću toga se može provjeriti raniji rezulatat dan u radu (e. g. [BM98, BM00]). Primjenom algoritma prikazana je potpuna klasifikacija neizomorfnih trodimenzionalnih D-grafova s 5 elemenata.
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