Effect of expired pendimethalin (Stomp) on germination and seedling development of Mango (Mangifera indica)

Autor: K. S. Olorunmaiye, P. M. Olorunmaiye, C. OreOluwa Adeyemi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Pomologia Croatica : Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva
Volume 20
Issue 1-4
ISSN: 1848-9028
Popis: Effect of expired herbicide on seed germination and seedling development of Mango (Mangifera indica) was investigated using Pendimethalin herbicides that have expired for 7, 5 and 1 years respectively. Two concentrations 100 and 150ml/l of each of the expired herbicides were used as the treatment concentrations for the investigation. Mango germination was delayed in all the herbicide treatments but not in the control treatment. Germination rate was consistently higher in the control treatment than in all the herbicide treatments except the herbicide that expired in 2011.There were no herbicide injuries nor growth retardation on Mango seedlings except slight stem distortion and reduced leaf size at the early emergence stage.
Djelovanje isteklog roka herbicida na klijanje sjemena i razvoj biljke manga (Mangifera indica) istraživano je primjenom herbicida pendimetalin čiji je rok istekao 7, 5 i 1 godinu. Dvije koncentracije od 100 i 150 ml/l svakoga od spomenutih herbicida primijenjene su kao koncentracije tretmana u istraživanju. Klijanje manga zakasnilo je u svim tretmanima herbicida osim u kontrolnom tretmanu. Stopa klijanja bila je stalno viša u kontrolnom tretmanu nego u tretmanima s herbicidom osim u tretmanu s herbicidom kojemu je rok istekao 2011. Nije bilo oštećenja zbog herbicida niti zaostatka u rastu biljaka manga osim neznatnog nakrivljenja stabljika i smanjenja veličine listova na ranom stadiju klijanja.
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