Autor: | Damir Grgić |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2007 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Ekonomski pregled Volume 58 Issue 9-10 |
ISSN: | 1848-9494 0424-7558 |
Popis: | Za razliku od industrijske ekonomije, glavna obilježja koje su fizički i financijski kapital, u današnjoj je ekonomiji kapital neopipljiv i sastoji se od imidža poduzeća, robnih marki, povezanosti s partnerima, odnosa s korisnicima i od znanja i sposobnosti zaposlenika. Stvaranje i jačanje imidža u javnosti postaje jedna od osnovnih strategija uslužnih poduzeća, jer za korisnika, pogotovo za korisnika usluga, veću vrijednost ima poduzeće s bolje pozicioniranim imidžom na tržištu. Prihvaćajući imidž kao moćno sredstvo komunikacije s ljudima radi postizanja njihova ciljanog ponašanja, upravljanje imidžom postalo je važnim područjem djelovanja marketinških strategija. Zbog činjenice da se imidž poduzeća zasniva na identitetu poduzeća, odnosno da je to dojam o cjelokupnom poduzeću, često se na osnovi imidža poduzeća prepoznaju i ocjenjuju cjelokupna organizacija, njezino poslovanje i njezine usluge. Imidž poduzeća u marketingu usluga bio je veoma rano identificiran kao jedan od najznačajnijih elemenata u sveukupnoj ocjeni usluge i u ocjeni samoga poduzeća. Kada je teško procijeniti obilježja usluge, tada je imidž poduzeća jedan od najvažnijih elemenata koji utječe na percepciju kvalitete, na korisnikovu procjenu zadovoljstva uslugom i na njegovu lojalnost. Korištenje uslugama postalo je mnogo više rezultat imidža, nego onoga materijalnoga i opipljivoga što im se pruža, a korištenje pojedinih usluga postaje način kojim korisnik određuje osobni imidž i imidž drugih ljudi. Budući da sadašnje uvjete poslovanja karakterizira gotovo apsolutna tržišna zasićenost u svim uslužnim segmentima, brojne se konkurentske usluge u biti razlikuju samo po pojedinim marginalnim ili isključivo simboličkim obilježjima. Najvažniji kriteriji za izbor i za korištenje tom uslugom jesu očekivana iskustva, odnosno očekivane posljedice povezane s različitim alternativama izbora. Zato su elementi na koje se prilikom izbora korisnici usredotočuju posljedice, imidži, simboli, a ne inherentna obilježja usluge. Unlike the industrial economy, with physical and financial capital as cardinal characteristics, the capital of the contemporary economy is intangible and is comprised of corporate image, brands, connections with associates, customer service, and the knowledge and abilities of employees. The creation and strengthening of the public image is becoming one of the founding strategies of service industry corporations since for the user, especially of services, a corporation with a better positioned image in the market has a greater value. By accepting the image as a powerful means of communication with people towards accomplishing their purposeful behaviour, image management has become an important area of marketing strategies performance. Due to the fact that the corporate image is founded on the identity of the corporation, respectively that it represents an impression of the corporation in the whole and the entire organization, its business and services are often identified and assessed on the basis of that image. Corporate image has been identifi ed as one of the most significant elements of the overall service evaluation and the evaluation of the entire company in the service marketing. Whenever it is difficult to evaluate the characteristics of the service itself, corporate image is one of the most important elements which infl uences people’s perception of quality, the user’s evaluation of service satisfaction and their loyalty. The usage of services has become more the result of image than a part of material and tangible elements offered to them, and the utilization of certain services has become a way in which the user defi nes his personal image as well as the image of other people. Since the recent business conditions have been characterised by near market saturation in all service segments, numerous competitive services differ in essence only by certain marginal or purely symbolic features. The most important choice and usage criteria for a certain service are the anticipated experiences with respect to the expected results linked to different alternatives. Therefore, the results, images, symbols, and not the inherent service characteristics, are the elements the user focuses on during the selection process. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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