Izuzeće i opravdana samostalnost ustanova posvećenog života

Autor: Jure Brkan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Služba Božja : liturgijsko-pastoralna revija
Volume 54
Issue 2
ISSN: 1849-1057
Popis: Autor je u ovom članku obradio dva kanona iz Zakonika kanonskoga prava iz 1983. godine: kan. 586., § 1 - 2, i 591.1 U članku je istaknuto, kako je zakonodavac u obradi kanona 591. kada je riječ o izuzetosti (egzempcija) imao izvore iz crkvenoga zakonodavstva prije u Zakoniku iz 1917., dokumente II. vati- kanskoga sabora kao i one poslije sabora. Izuzeće je stari institut koji se do Zakonika iz 1983. smatrao općom povlasticom regularnih redovnika. Nakon II. vatikanskoga sabora izuzeće je mogućnost koju papa ima na temelju svoje primatske vlasti nad općom Crkvom. Što se tiče pravedne samostalnosti ustanova posvećenoga života ona je posebni zahtjev Crkve našega vremena radi toga da se bolje sačuva vlastita karizma pojedinih ustanova, a institut izuzetosti ide za tim da se pomogne dobru ustanove i potrebama apostolata. Papa može ustanove posvećenoga života izuzeti ispod vlasti mjesnih ordinarija i podložiti ih sebi samom ili drugoj crkvenoj vlasti. U djelovanju ustanova posvećenoga života u mjesnim crkvama treba imati na umu kan. 578. Posebno je za institut izuzeća, uz Zakonik iz 1917. zakonodavac imao kao izvor također dokumente II. vatikanskoga sabora Lumen Gentium 45 i Christus Dominus, 35, 3 te Mutuae Relationes – uređivanje odnosa između biskupa i redovnika 14. 5. 1978. Autor je naglasio kako kan. 586., § 1 - 2. nema izvore u Zakoniku iz 1917. Ustanove posvećenoga života trebaju biskupe poštovati te ih slušati prema crkvenim zakonima, a papa moraju slušati ne samo što su katolici, nego i zato što poslušnost prema papi zahtijeva i zavjet poslušnosti. Ustanove posvećenoga života dio su Božjega naroda – Crkve i kao takvi moraju osjećati s Crkvom koja je majka i učiteljica.
In this article the author has elaborated two canons of Code of Canon Law of 1983: canon 586, § 1-2, and canon 591. The article points out that the legislator, in processing canon 591 dealing with exemption, possessed the source materials of ecclesiastical legislation, Code of 1917, documents of II Vatican Council and documents after the Council. It is about the old institute of exemption confirmed by the legislator in the light of II Vatican Council in Code of 1983. Pope, by reason of his primacy over the universal Church, can exempt institutes of consecrated life from the governance of local ordinaries and subject them either to himself alone or to another ecclesiastical authority, for the good of institutes and the need of the apostolate. Another institute the author is writing about is the institute of a just autonomy of life – iusta autonomia vitae – (586, § 1). This institute is a novelty compared to the old legislation; its source materials are only the documents of II Vatican Council and documents after the Council. A just autonomy of life is acknowledged for individual institutes by which they possess their own governance and especially their own discipline in order to preserve their own patrimony intact: the nature, purpose, spirit and character of an institute as well as its sound traditions (canon 578). The institutes of exemption and of just autonomy of life are the demands of the Church of our time, which accepts the institutes of consecrated life as a divine gift to the Church. Members of institutes of consecrated life should obey the Pope in accordance with the vow of obedience, and respect the local ordinaries inasmuch as they represent apostles and they are bound to follow them with Christian obedience (canon 212, § 1) and also obey them in accordance with general and special church norms observing the exemption and just autonomy of life.
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