Primjena modela DENTALQUAL u mjerenju zadovoljstva domaćih dentalnih turista u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19

Autor: Rašan, Dora, Rašan, Lovro
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Health Sciences = Časopis za primijenjene zdravstvene znanosti
Volume 8
Issue 1
ISSN: 2459-5640
Popis: Introduction: With the expansive development of dental tourism in Croatia, there has sprung a need for research into the quality of dental services and satisfaction of tourists with the purpose of improvement and advancement of existing services. Aim and Methods: The aim of this paper was to research and analyse the perception of dental tourists on the quality of dental services and to analyse their overall satisfaction. The measuring instrument used in this study was a modified DENTALQUAL model. Results: Looking at the results of the empiric research, it has been determined that respondents have high expectations about quality of dental services (4.65). When it comes to the perceived quality of services, total average grade of the respondent’s perception of the given dental service was 4.50, which shows the presence of the negative SERVQUAL gap (-0.15). Respondents find cleanliness and tidiness of the interior and instruments the most important (4.97), and they are mostly unsatisfied with the dentist’s attitude towards consulting patients on the ways of preventing other diseases (-0.52). Respondents asses the overall satisfaction with the given service with a high 4.47. Conclusion: Research of quality and satisfaction of tourists with given dental service is of essential importance for the development of dental tourism in Croatia and therefore the analysis of SERVQUAL gap has proved to be an effective research model.
Uvod: Ekspanzivnim razvojem dentalnog turizma u Hrvatskoj javila se potreba za ispitivanjem kvalitete dentalnih usluga i zadovoljstva turista u cilju poboljšanja i unaprjeđenja postojećih usluga. Cilj i metode: Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti i analizirati percepciju dentalnih turista o kvaliteti dentalnih usluga i analizirati njihovo sveukupno zadovoljstvo. Mjerni instrument primijenjen u ovom istraživanju bio je modificirani model DENTALQUAL. Rezultati: Rezultatima provedenoga empirijskog istraživanja utvrđeno je da ispitanici posjeduju visoka očekivanja o kvaliteti dentalnih usluga (4,65). S obzirom na percipiranu kvalitetu usluga, ukupna prosječna ocjena percepcije pružene dentalne usluge iznosi 4,50, što ukazuje na prisutnost negativnog SERVQUAL jaza (–0,15). Ispitanicima je najvažnija čistoća i urednost interijera i instrumenata (4,97), a najnezadovoljniji su odnosom doktora dentalne medicine prema savjetovanju pacijenata o načinima sprječavanja drugih bolesti (–0,52). Ukupno zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom ispitanici vrednuju s visokih 4,47. Zaključak: Istraživanje kvalitete i zadovoljstva turista pruženom dentalnom uslugom bitno je za razvoj dentalnog turizma u Hrvatskoj te se izračun SERVQUAL jaza pokazao kao efektivan model istraživanja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE