Inicijalno liječenje protetskih pacijenata Michiganskom udlagom

Autor: Tomislav Badel, Josip Pandurić, Sonja Kraljević, Nikša Dulčić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 37
Issue 2
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: Michiganska udlaga prekriva sve okluzijske plohe zubnoga niza, a služi u inicijalnom protetskom liječenju u dijagnostici i liječenju temporomandibularnih poremećaja. Najčešća je indikacija mialgija žvačnoga mišičja i artralgija čeljusnoga zgloba. Udlagom se otklanjaju simptomi i postiže samonamještanje donje čeljusti u nov pacijentu prikladan položaj bez subjektivnih smetnji. Kako bi se zaštitila tvrda zubna tkiva zbog bruksizma, može se nositi duže vrijeme. Zbog stabilnosti i retencije na ležištu češće se odabire gornji zubni niz. Okluzijska ploha udlage izvedena je u obliku ravnih ploha. Na njima se ostvaruju ravnomjerni dodiri radnih kvržica antagonističke čeljusti u području slobode u centriku. U ekskurzivnim kretnjama donje čeljusti ostvaruje se vođenje očnjakom i diskluzija preostalih zuba. Nošenje udlage prekida se postupno u intervalima tako da se pacijent polagano odvikava i pomalo smanjuje duljinu nošenja. Pretpostavke uspješnoga liječenja jesu pozorna izradba udlage u artikulatoru, redovita kontrola stanja tijekom nošenja udlage i kontrola okluzijskih odnosa.
The Michigan splint covers all occlusal surfaces of the dental arch and is used in initial prosthetic treatment during the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders. The most frequent indication is myalgia of the masticatory muscles and arthralgia of the temporomandibular joint. The splint eliminates symptoms and realises self-positioning of the mandible into a new position, which is acceptable for the patient. It can be worn for a longer period with the object of protecting the hard dental tissue due to bruxism. Because of stability and retention on the base the upper dental arch is more frequently chosen. The occlusal surface of the splint is fabricated in the form of flat surfaces on which equal contacts of the working cusps of the antagonistic jaws are achieved in the area of freedom in the centric. In excursive movements of the mandible disocclusion of the remaining teeth is realised, guided by the canine. Interrupted wearing of the splint follows during an interval of gradual disuse and reduction in the period of wearing. Success of the treatment is conditioned by careful fabrication of the splint in the articulator, regular check-ups while wearing the splint and occlusal relations.
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