Autor: Zdenka Damjanić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Media, culture and public relations
Volume 5
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-8374
Popis: Usklađivanje poslovnog i obiteljskog života važan je čimbenik koji utječe na model obitelji koji preferiraju zaposlene žene u Hrvatskoj. Dvohraniteljski model obitelji danas je norma u većini razvijenih zemalja. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati vrijednosti obiteljskog i poslovnog života i ustanoviti kakav model obitelji preferiraju studentice Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Iz anketnog istraživanja na uzorku od 420 studentica Ekonomskog fakulteta svih godina, statističkim tehnikama ispitali smo preferirane oblike obitelji i stavove studentica o preferencijama koje imaju na tržištu rada. Rezultati pokazuju da među ispitanim studenticama velika većina preferira model dvaju hranitelja u obitelji gdje oba roditelja rade plaćeni posao izvan kućanstva. Također, 40% studentica smatra da je optimalno imati dvoje djece i posao s punim radnim vremenom, dok 30% smatra da je optimalno imati jedno dijete. Za ostvarenje uspješne karijere 30% studentica smatra da je poželjno jedno dijete, 37% dvoje djece, a da broj djece nije bitan smatra 29% studentica. Interesantno je da za ostvarenje uspješnog obiteljskog života svega 4% smatra da je dovoljno jedno dijete što govori o njihovoj spremnosti da ostvare majčinstvo sa dvoje ili više djece. Indikativno je da se oko 30% ispitanica odriče rada izvan kuće kako bi odgajalo djecu. 95% studentica želi karijeru i plaćeni posao iako ima djecu što govori da je opredjeljenje budućih ekonomistica u usklađivanju poslovnog i obiteljskog života.
Combining professional and family responsibilities is an important factor that affects model families who prefer working women in Croatia. The dual- earner family model today is the norm in most developed countries. The aim of this study was to examine the values of family and work life, and what is family model favored by students of the Economics Faculty in Zagreb. The research survey on a sample of 420 students of Economics Faculty various ages, using statistical techniques, we examined the preferred forms of family and student attitudes on preferences that are in the labor market. Results show that among the vast majority of tested students preferred model of two earners in a family where both parents are doing paid work outside the household. 40% of students considered to be optimal to have two children and work full time, while 30% think that it is optimal to have one child. To achieve a successful career, 30% of students considered the desirability of one child, 37% two children, and that the number of children is not considered a significant 29% of female students. It is interesting to realize that successful family life only 4% thought that one child is enough , tells us about their willingness to achieve motherhood with two or more children. It is revealing that about 30% of women disavow work outside the home to raise their children. 95% of female students wants career in paid work and have children even though it says that the commitment of future economist in reconciling work and family life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE