Autor: Adamić Hadžić, Anita
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Archaeologia Adriatica
Volume 16
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-9281
Popis: Od najranijih početaka čovječanstva ljudi su se bavili nekim oblikom poljoprivrede. Zbog brojnih izazova i opasnosti koje sa sobom donosi, danas se svrstava među tri najopasnija zanimanja. Ratarstvo s jedne strane uvjetuje korištenje različitih poljoprivrednih alata, penjanje po ljestvama, silosima i slično, dok transhumantno stočarstvo podrazumijeva svakodnevni kontakt s velikim životinjama i kretanje krševitim krajolikom. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je otkriti postoji li razlika u uzorku i učestalostima antemortalnih trauma na dugim kostima između dominantno ratarskih populacija i dominantno stočarskih populacija. Istraživane su također učestalosti trauma između muškaraca i žena unutar uzoraka. Sve perimortalne traume prisutne u uzorcima posljedica su namjernog međuljudskog nasilja, stoga nisu bile uključene u ovo istraživanje. Uspoređivala su se tri kompozitna uzorka – prvi uzorak koji broji 230 kostura s nalazišta datiranih u rani i razvijeni srednji vijek (9. do 13. stoljeće), drugi uzorak s 401 kosturom s nalazišta datiranih u razvijeni do kasni srednji vijek (13. do 16. stoljeće), i treći uzorak koji broji 351 kostur s vlaških groblja koja se datiraju u kasni srednji vijek i rani novi vijek (14. do 18. stoljeće). Rezultati su pokazali da su populacije svih triju uzoraka bile izložene podjednakom riziku od zadobivanja ozljeda tijekom obavljanja poljoprivrednih poslova unatoč činjenici da su prvi i drugi uzorak primarno ratarske populacije, a da treći uzorak čine transhumantni stočari. Rezultati su također pokazali da u prvom i drugom uzorku postoji stroga raspodjela poslova između spolova, gdje muškarci obavljaju fizički teže i zahtjevnije poslove od žena. U trećem uzorku muškarci i žene podjednako obavljaju teške poslove, najvjerojatnije s ciljem čim brže prilagodbe na nove uvjete života.
Since the dawn of humanity, people have been engaged in some sort of agriculture. Due to a number of challenges and perils that it brings, presently it is classified among three most hazardous occupations. On the one hand, farming implies use of various agricultural implements, climbing ladders, silos etc., while transhumant herding refers to everyday contact with big animals and moving in karsty landscape. The main aim of this research was to determine if there is a difference in the pattern and frequencies of antemortem traumas on long bones between dominantly farming populations and dominantly herding populations. The frequencies of traumas on male and female population in the samples were also investigated. All perimortem traumas in the samples were caused by intentional interpersonal violence and therefore were left out of this research. Three composite samples were compared. The first sample comprises 230 skeletons from the sites dated to the Early and High Middle Ages (9th - 13th century), the second sample includes 401 skeletons recovered from the sites dating to the High and Late Middle Ages (13th - 16th century), and in the third sample are 351 skeleton from the Vlach cemeteries dating to the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (14th-18th century). The results have shown that the populations in all three samples were exposed to roughly the same risk of suffering injuries while performing agricultural works despite the fact that the first and second sample are farming populations, and the third sample consists of transhumant herders. The results have also shown that there was a strict division of labor between males and females, whereby males performed physically harder and more demanding works than the females. In the third sample, males and females worked equally hard, most likely with an aim of adapting to new living conditions as soon as possible.
Databáze: OpenAIRE