Citizens’ Willingness to Freely Express Their Opinions As a Factor of Social Change

Autor: Krneta, Dragoljub
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Međunarodne studije
Volume III
Issue 1
ISSN: 2459-623X
Popis: U nizu značajnih pitanja razvoja demokracije na ovim prostorima značajna su i pitanja sagledavanja faktora koji pridonose aktivnijem uključivanju građana u društvene promjene. Spremnost na slobodno izražavanje mišljenja ispitivana je preko a) percepcije postojanja opće atmosfere povjerenja u društvene institucije i mogućnost javnog izražavanja kritičkog mišljenja bez straha od posljedica, b) spremnosti da građanin u društvu javno govori ono što misli i c) percepcije doprinosa osobnog angažiranja na ostvarivanju promjena u društvu. Dobiveni rezultati provedenog istraživanja, nedvojbeno pokazuju da: a) dvije trećine anketiranih građana opaža kako u društvu još uvijek ne postoji opća atmosfera povjerenja, te da nije moguće bez posljedica govoriti o propustima ljudi na vlasti; b) stavovi građana su podijeljeni, s obzirom na to da se samo jedna trećina anketiranih stanovnika izjašnjava kako smije javno govoriti ono što misli bez straha od posljedica (posebno kad to što govore nije u skladu s prihvaćenim društvenim stavovima i općim uvjerenjima) dok su stavovi ostale dvije trećine distribuirani u smislu procjene da ne smiju ili da se dvoume; c) očita je razlika između očekivanoga i realnog ponašanja građana, s obzirom na to da su građani podijeljeni u mišljenju o mogućnostima slobodnog izražavanja mišljenja, iako se očekuje njihovo aktivnije učešće u procesu demokratizacije.
In a range of significant issues of development of democracy in this area, the issues of studying the factors which contribute to more active inclusion of citizens into social changes also bear certain significance. Readiness to express freely their thoughts has been examined through a) perception of existence of a general atmosphere of confidence in social institutions and possibility of public expression of critical thought without fearing of consequences, b) readiness of a citizen to speak publicly in the society what he thinks, and c) perception of contribution of personal engagement in accomplishing changes in the society. The results obtained from the conducted research show undoubtedly that: a) two thirds of the surveyed citizens observe that in the society there is still no general atmosphere of confidence and that it is not possible to speak about failures of those in power without suffering consequences; b) attitudes of the citizens are divided, taking into consideration that only one third of the surveyed believes that it is possible to speak publicly what someone thinks without fearing of consequences (especially so if what they talk about is not in accordance with accepted social attitudes and general believe, while the other two thirds believe that they can't speak publicly or are not sure; c) there is a difference between the expected and real behaviour of citizens, taking into consideration that the citizens are divided regarding possibilities of free expression of thoughts, even though their more active engagement in democratization process is expected.
Databáze: OpenAIRE