Destruction of medical services in Slavonia and Baranja during the war against Croatia (till the end of 1991)

Autor: Antun Tucak, Krešimir Glavina, Vesna Bosanac, Juraj Njavro, Ivica Matoš, Dražen Švagelj, Romano Tripalo, Zdenka Barišić, Zlatko Mihaldinec, Jasenka Markeljević, Zdravko Lacković
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Medicinski vjesnik
Volume 23
Issue (3-4)
ISSN: 0350-6487
Popis: U tijeku rata protiv Republike Hrvatske na području Slavonije i Baranje posebno su stradale zdravstvene ustanove. Praktično su porušeni medicinski centri i bolnice u Vukovaru, Vinkovcima, Pakracu i Novoj Gradišci te lječilišta u Lipiku i Daruvaru, dok su Opća bolnica u Osijeku i Dom zdravlja u Daruvaru teško oštećeni tako da je linija agresije na Hrvatsku zacrtana upravo oštećenim i uništenim zdravstvenim ustanovama. Pri tim napadima na bolnice Istočne Hrvatske poginula su četiri zdravstvena djelatnika, 12 ih je ranjeno, a sudbina 2 liječnika je nepoznata. Poginulo je i pet bolesnika. Ukupna materijalna šteta na navedenim objektima iznosi oko 360 milijuna DEM. Dok je to god bilo moguće, do zauzimanja pojedinih ustanova od strane agresora, te su ustanove radile. Najvećim dijelom u podrumima i skloništima ošte­ ćenih i razorenih civilnih bolnica, često pod udarima neprijateljske artiljerije i zrakoplovstva, do kraja 1991. liječeno je oko 7 000 ranjenika, medju njima i oko 50 pripadnika federalne armije. Sve zdravstvene ustanove bile su propisno obilježene oznakama Crvenoga križa. Sam njihov broj i činjenica da su pojedine ustanove (npr. Opća bolnica Osijek) gađane iz neposredne blizine, daje korišteno precizno artiljerijsko i avionsko oružje, te da su pojedine bolnice gadjane prije drugih, vojno značajnijih objekata, ukazuje na to da u ratu protiv Hrvatske neregularne srpske trupe ali i federalna armija namjerno razaraju zdravstvene ustanove koje su zaštićene brojnim međunarodnim humanitarnim konvencijama.
During the war against Croatia health services in the Slavonia and Baranya region suffered the greatest damage. Medical centers and hospitals in Vukovar, Vinkovci, Pakrac and Nova Gradiška and the rehabilitation centers in Lipik and Daruvar were practically levelled to the ground; the General Hospital in Osijek and the Health Centre in Daruvar were both heavily demaged. The line of aggression against Croatia can be precisely recognised by the damaged and demolished hospitals. Casualties of enemy attacks on hospitals in Estern Slavonia among the medical staff are: 4 killed, 12 injured, two doctors missing; 5 patients were killed too. Total damage is estimated at 360 mill. DEM. Hospitals were working as long as it was possible, until the very moment of ocuppation. Till the end of 1991 about 7000 wounded (among them 50 YFA soldiers) were treated in the damaged and demolished hospital basements and shelters, often under permenent enemy artillery and aircraft attacks. All health services were properly marked by the Red Cross sign. Their number itself, the fact that some hospitals (General Hospital in Osijek, for instance) were attached from thir very neighbourhood; the use of precise artillery and aircraft weapons; attaching civilian hospitals rather than millitary targets - all this proves that in the war against Croatia irregular Serbian troops, even the Federal Army, deliberatly destroyed hospitals in spite of the protection provided by a series of international humanitarian conventions.
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