Priprema starih novina za mikrofilmiranje i digitalizaciju

Autor: Silvio Lebinac
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske
Volume 55
Issue 2
ISSN: 1334-6938
Popis: Priprema starih novina za mikrofilmiranje složen je postupak zbog svojstava novina kao serijskih publikacija, zatim papira na kojem su otisnute te ciljeva pripreme kojom se nastoji okupiti cjelovit primjerak publikacije. Prijenos sadržaja starih novina na mikrofilm pretpostavlja uspostavu jasnih mjerila odabira građe, raspoloživa tehnička i financijska sredstva te stručno osoblje. U radu se priprema novina razmatra kao skup postupaka koji su dio postupka cjelovite zaštite starih novina pri čemu se mikrofilm koristi za zaštitu te kao posrednik u digitalizaciji. Cilj je pripreme građe prije snimanja popisati sva godišta i godine, sveščiće i sve stranice u sveščićima te opisati njihove nedostatke. Uz prikaz postupka pripreme novina za mikrofilmiranje u Odsjeku za restauraciju i mikrografiju Odjela zaštite i pohrane Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu, spomenuta je i baza podataka u kojoj se čuvaju podaci o mikrofilmiranim publikacijama.
Preparation of the old newspapers for microfilming and digitization is a complex process due to the characteristics of the newspapers as serial publications, the characteristics of the paper they are printed on, and also the attempt to collect the complete publication in the process. The transfer of the content of the old newspapers on microfilm presumes defining clear criteria for selecting the materials, determining available technical and financial resources, and the trained staff. The paper analyzes the process of the preparation of newspapers as a set of procedures which are a part of the complete preservation of the old newspapers, in which the microfilm is used for the purpose of preservation and as an intermediate form before digitization. The aim of the preparation of the materials before microfilming is to record all volumes for all years, all issues and all pages in the issues, and to describe their shortcomings and damages. Along with the presentation of the preparation of old newspapers for microfilming at the Department of restoration and microfilming, the Department of restoration and micrography, National and University Library Zagreb, the article also presents the database in which the data on the microfilmed publications are preserved.
Databáze: OpenAIRE