An Ethnological View of Christmas

Autor: Branka Vojnović Traživuk
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ethnologica Dalmatica
Volume 26
ISSN: 1849-1030
Popis: Uoči Božića 2018. godine pridružila sam se projektu Došašće u Muzeju grada Splita realizacijom izložbene cjeline Prikaz Badnje večeri u pučkoj kući te prigodnim predavanjem Pučki Božić u Splitu i okolici. Tim povodom pokušala sam sažeti dosadašnja saznanja o navedenoj temi, koja ovdje donosim u pisanom obliku. Promatrajući ga prije svega kao dio hrvatskog folklora istaknula sam trajnu važnost pučkoga Božića za obiteljsku zajednicu koja je njegovo kvalitativno obilježje.
Relying on the literature, the paper deals with Christmas customs in Croatia since the end of the 19th century until today with emphasis on the area of Central Dalmatia. The inspiration for the work was participation in the Advent project at the Split City Museum at the end of 2018, when was organized exhibition of the Christmas Eve at the folk commons house and an occasional lecture Folk Christmas in Split and its surroundings. Thus, the present knowledge of this subject is summarized through the chapters on St. Nicholas and St. Lucia as Christmas donors, a candlesticks, Christmas candles, jasmine and straw, green and Christmas tree, nourishment on Christmas and Christmas and some customs after Christmas. Considering it as part of the Croatian folklore, the ever-present importance of the Christmas tree for the family community has been highlighted as its qualitative characteristic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE