Phacoemulsification through the Small Pupil

Autor: Ante Ercegović, Ivana Kalauz-Surać, Jasenka Brajković
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Acta clinica Croatica
Volume 46
Issue 1-Supplement 1
ISSN: 1333-9451
Popis: The aim of the report is to describe phacoemulsification through a small pupil without enlarging it. The small, poorly dilated pupil is one of the most common problems the cataract surgeons are faced with. There are several options available when working on the eyes with a small pupil. One option is to enlarge the pupil, and the other is to work through it. We present the procedure of phacoemulsification through a small pupil without enlargement. The essence of this technique is to produce multiple small nuclear fragments that are easy to consume and do not cause excessive stress to the pupillary sphincter. Using this method, successful phacoemulsification was performed with minimal or no pupil widening maneuvers, restoring the preoperative pupil configuration.
Cilj je prikazati fakoemulzifikaciju kroz usku zjenicu bez njezina proširenja. Mala, slabo dilatirana zjenica jedan je od najčešćih problema s kojima se susreću operateri. Na raspolaganju je nekoliko mogućnosti za rad na očima s uskom zjenicom. S jedne strane to su metode dilatacije zjenice, a s druge rad kroz usku zjenicu bez dodatnog proširenja. Predstavljamo fakoemulzifikaciju kroz usku zjenicu bez dodatnog širenja. U osnovi ove metode je proizvesti mnogo malih nuklearnih fragmenata koje je tada jednostavno ukloniti a da se pritom ne uzrokuje prekomjeran stres zjeničnog sfinktera. Napravljena je uspješna fakoemulzifikacija s minimalnim zahvatima širenja zjenice ostavljajući prijeoperacijski izgled zjenice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE