Stable carbon isotopes delta C-13 as a proxy for characterizing carbon sources and processes in a small tropical headwater catchment : Nsimi, Cameroon

Autor: Ndondo, G. R. N., Probst, J. L., Ndjama, J., Ngoupayou, J. R. N., Boeglin, J. L., Takem, G. E., Brunet, F., Mortatti, J., Gauthier-Lafaye, F., Braun, Jean-Jacques, Ekodeck, G. E.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Stream carbon fluxes are one of the major components in the global C cycle, yet the discrimination of the various sources of stream carbon remains to a large extent unclear and less is known about the biogeochemical transformations that accompany the transfer of C from soils to streams. Here, we used patterns in stream water and groundwater delta C-13 values in a small forested tropical headwater catchment to investigate the source and contribution from the soil carbon pools to stream organic and inorganic carbon behavior over seasonal scales. Stream organic carbon (DOC and POC) comes mainly from the upper rich soil organic carbon horizons and derived from total organic carbon (TOC) of biogenic source. The isotopic compositions delta C-13(TOC), delta C-13(DOC) and delta C-13(POC) of these carbon species were very close (-30 parts per thousand to -26 parts per thousand) and typical of the forested C3 vegetation. The relationship observed between DOC and log pCO(2) and delta C-13(DIC) indicated that besides the considerable CO2 evasion that occurs as DIC is transported from soils to streams, there were also other processes affecting the stream DIC pool. In-stream mineralization of DOC and mixing of atmospheric carbon had a significant influence on the delta C-13(DIC) values. These processes which varied seasonally with hydrological changes represent the main control on DOC and DIC cycling in the wet tropical milieu. The rapid turnover of carbon on hillside soils, the transformation of TOC to DOC in wetland soils and further mineralization of stream DOC to DIC favor the evasion of C, making the zone a source of carbon to the atmosphere.
Databáze: OpenAIRE