Bush Encroachment of Forest-steppe Landscapes in the Mongolian Part of the Lake Baikal Basin

Autor: Gunin, P. D., Bazha, S. N., Ubugunova, V. I., Danzhalova, E. V., Dugarjav, Ch., Baskhaeva, T. G., Drobyshev, Yu. I., Ivanov, L. A., Ivanova, L. A., Migalina, S. V., Bogdanov, E. A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The character of competitive relationships between woody and shrub vegetation in the southern (Mongolian) part of the Lake Baikal basin was studied via model polygons. Depending on the environmental conditions, native forests are being replaced by different types of shrubs. The main factors contributing to these changes are the aridization of the climate and human activity. It is shown that the current state of shrub communities and their progressive dynamics along the southern border of boreal forests in Mongolia allow us to consider them stable cenoses, which prevent a natural renewal of coniferous (pine, larch) forests in this region. However, some shrub species may be considered indicators of ecotopes' suitability for natural or artificial reforestation because their ecological requirements are similar to those of forest trees. The study was carried out within the framework of the scientific program of the Joint Russian–Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition of RAS and MAS, and with the financial support of the grant RFBR 17-29-05019
Databáze: OpenAIRE