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'lbe mouse skin tumor model was used to investigate whether the Ievel of DNA 8dducts and/or the rate of cell division in the epidermis are indicators of the risk of cancer formation for an individual in an outbred animal popul8tion. A high risk was considered to be reftected by 8 short latency period for the 8ppearance of 8 papilloma. Fernale NMRI mice were treated twice weekly with 2.5 nmol 7 ,12-dimethylbenz[a]antbracene (DMBA) and 3 nmoi12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- 8cetate (TPA) and the appearance of papillomas was registered. The first papilloma 8ppeared after 7.5 weeks. After 17 weeks, when 12 of 14 mice bad 8t least one papilloma, an osmotic minipump deliverlog 5-bromo-2'deoxyuridine (BrdU) was implanted into eacb mouse for 24 h. The mice were killed after 24 h ~d the epidermis was analyzed for D:MBA-nucleotide 8dducts by 32p.postlabeling, for the cell number per unit skin length, and for the labeling index for DNA synthesls. Unexpectedly, D:MBA-nucleotide 8dduct Ievels were highest in those anima1s wbich showed the Iongest latency periods. Adduct Ievels were negatively correlated with the 18beling index, indicating that dilution of adducts by cell division was a predominant factor in determining average adduct concentrations. Individual tumor-latency time was not corTelated with either cell ntunber or labeling index. This could be due to the fact that the measurements only provided 8veraged data and gave no infonnation on the specific situation in clones of premalignant cells. Under the conditions of tbis assay, therefore, neither DNA adduct Ievels nor information on the average kinetics of cell division bad a predidive value for the individual amcer risk withln a group of outbred animals receiving the same treatment |