Beräkningsmodell för infrastrukturinvesteringars intrångskostnader

Autor: Grudemo, Stefan, Ivehammar, Pernilla, Sandström, Jessica
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: In the cost benefit analysis carried out when an investment in infrastructure is to be made environmental effects such as the encroachment of the investment and its effect on the landscape/townscape are not valued in monetary terms. In earlier studies VTI has shown that this could cause serious misdirection of the investments. In this report several case studies in the classification "barrier against water" are presented. The willingness of individuals to pay to avoid the barrier against water that an infrastructure investment can mean is sought with binary Contingent Valuation Method (CVM).We analyse the results and describe how a calculation model can be constructed. We have found that the people living near the barrier are disturbed in proportion to the distance between the residence and the barrier. For the rest of the town's inhabitants the valuation of getting rid of the barrier depends on how often they visit the area next to the barrier. With this report we have achieved an important sub-goal. A few additional case studies are necessary to be able to develop a complete calculation model for the type case "barrier against water".
Databáze: OpenAIRE