Användarundervisning på gymnasiet : En studie av tre skolbibliotekariers arbete

Autor: Sjövall, Malin
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: The aim with this paper was to look at how school libraries work with Carol C. Kuhlthau's model of user education at secondary level. After the interviews were completed and the results were compiled, it became visible that the students who had a good user training during their education have benefited from this throughout their lives. This because they learned in a good way how to seek for information, as well as evaluate and choose good sources. During the interviews it became visible that there only were a few teachers that the librarians have collaborated with at an early stage about the students' school assignments. This is also evidenced by a recently published study that shows that the interest to cooperate is from both the teachers and the libraries, but that the forms and implementation of that is where it is lacking. School libraries expressed that they feel that they are working in reverse, based on the fact that according to the curriculum, their skills are used, but this is not anchored by the respective principal and teacher. The conclusion found in the paper is that cooperation between the librarians and the teachers has to be initiated already at the level of education within the respective education. This to create the best conditions that will benefit the students in the end. With well educated students we get a more well-educated society.
Databáze: OpenAIRE