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Sepsis är ett tillstånd med livshotande organdysfunktion orsakat av ett stört systemiskt svar på infektion. Mortaliteten för sepsis beräknas vara två till tre gånger högre än vid akut hjärtinfarkt. Tidig identifiering och behandling av sepsis minskar patientens lidande och ökar patientens chanser till överlevnad. Syftet var att identifiera screeningverktyg som kan stödja ambulanssjuksköterskan att identifiera patienter med sepsis. Metod var litteraturöversikt med en systematisk ansats och en narrativ sammanställning av resultatet. Sökningarna genomfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Sammanlagt inkluderades 18 kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som alla kvalitetsgranskades före inkludering och analys. Resultatet presenteras under fem kategorier, där likheter och skillnader identifierades utifrån resultatet i inkluderade studier. I de lästa artiklarna identifierades tolv olika screeningverktyg. Dessa screeningverktyg var; BAS 90-30-90, Modified Early Warning Score, Modifierat Robson screening tool, National Early Warning Score, National Early Warning Score 2, Prehospital Earley Sepsis Detecetion, Predict Sepsis Screening tool 1,2 och 3, Prehospital Servere Sepsis score (PreSS), Rapid emergency triage and treatment system for adults, Sepsis Screening Tool, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome och Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assesment. Tio stycken av de inkluderade artiklarna hade studerat användbarheten av screeningsverktyget Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assesment prehospitalt. Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assesment påvisade en låg känslighet för tidig identifiering av patienter med sepsis eller septisk chock. Slutsats från studien var att inget screeningverktyg kunde identifiera sepsis i tidigt skede. Screeningverktygen kunde i viss grad påvisa på ökad mortalitet eller intensivvårds inläggningar. Mer forskning krävs för att tidigt kunna identifiera patienter med sepsis och därmed minska patienternas lidande. Sepsis is a condition of life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by an impaired systemic response to infection. The mortality rate for sepsis is estimated to be two to three times higher than for acute myocardial infarction. Early identification and treatment of sepsis reduces patient suffering and increases the patient's chances of survival. The objective was to identify screening tools that can support ambulance nurse to identify patients with sepsis. The methodology was a literature review using a systematic approach and a comparative compilation of the results. Searches were conducted in the PubMed and CINAHL databases. A total of 18 quantitative scientific articles were included, all of which were quality reviewedberfore inclusion and analysis. The results are presented in five categories, where similarities and differences were identified based on the findings.Twelve different screening tools were identified. These screening tools are; BAS 90-30-90, Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS), modified Robson screening tool, National Early Warning Score (NEWS), National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2), Predict Sepsis Screening tool 1, 2 and 3, Prehospital Early Sepsis Detection (PRESEP), Prehospital Servere Sepsis score (PreSS), Rapid Emergency Triage and Treatment System for Adults (RETTS-A), Sepsis Screening Tool, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), and Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA). Ten of the included articles had studied the usefulness of Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment screening tool in pre-hospital emergency care. The Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment demonstrated a low sensitivity for early identification of patients with sepsis or septic shock. The conclusion of the study was that no screening tool could identify sepsis at an early stage. The screening tools were able to detect increased mortality or intensive care unit admissions to some extent. More research is needed to identify patients with sepsis early and thereby reduce patient suffering. |