Transnational social vulnerabilities and reconfigurations of 'social policy' : Towards a denationalized research agenda

Autor: Righard, Erica, Spång, Mikael
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Public social policy was institutionalized at a time of intense nation-state building; it wasshaped by, and contributed to the closure of the Westphalian system of social protection.Today’s globalization processes in general, and population mobility and cross-borderdynamics of social problems in particular, challenge such framings of social problems andpolicy interventions. The ‘mobility turn’ within the social sciences has brought forwardrelevant theoretical tools and perspectives for the unbounding of the social from suchnational framings. This chapter contributes to this debate by reviewing two kinds of socialpolicy developments in which this unbounding is evident, though varying in scope anddynamics. The first example draws on a single-case study of the public old-age pension inSweden; it shows how this has included national and foreign citizens who have immigratedto and emigrated from Sweden in varying degrees over time. The second example points thegrowing importance of international organisations in field of public health, compared to inteera of international cooperation, and discusses implications of this for a rights-based healthcare. The chapter suggests a denationalized epistemology as a fruitful way forward fordebates about social justice and social policy within and across countries in the globalisedsociety.
Databáze: OpenAIRE