Synthetic LV-Grid Models for Scientific Investigations

Autor: Weisenstein, Marco, Wellßow, Wolfram (Prof. Dr.-Ing.), Ma, Haiyan, Reis, Lisa
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Due to the steadily increasing number of decentralized generation units, the upcoming smart meter rollout and the expected electrification of the transport sector (e-mobility), grid planning and grid operation at low-voltage (LV) level are facing major challenges. Therefore, many studies, research and demonstration projects on the above topics have been carried out in recent years, and the results and the methods developed have been published. However, the published methods usually cannot be replicated or validated, since the majority of the examination models or the scenarios used are incomprehensible to third parties. There is a lack of uniform grid models that map the German LV grids and can be used for comparative investigations, which are similar to the example of the North American distribution grid models of the IEEE. In contrast to the transmission grid, whose structure is known with high accuracy, suitable grid models for LV grids are difficult to map because of the high number of LV grids and distribution system operators. Furthermore, a detailed description of real LV grids is usually not available in scientific publications for data privacy reasons. For investigations within a research project, the most characteristic synthetic LV grid models have been created, which are based on common settlement structures and usual grid planning principles in Germany. In this work, these LV grid models, and their development are explained in detail. For the first time, comprehensible LV grid models for the middle European area are available to the public, which can be used as a benchmark for further scientific research and method developments. This document is an English version of the paper which was originally written in German1. In addition, this paper discusses a few more aspects especially on the planning process of distribution grids in Germany.
Databáze: OpenAIRE