Labour management relation: A radical deal for industrial peace

Autor: Pandey, Adya Prasad
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: In the rapid programme of industrial development of India, trade unions have come to occupy a critical position in the success of industrial relations in the country. Trade Unionism in India has been undergoing rapid changes due to socio-economic transformation. The term industrial relation or labour – management relation, refers to industry and relations, ‘industry’ means ‘any productive activity in which an individual is engaged’ and ‘relations’ means ‘the relations that exist in the industry between the employer and his workmen’. The concept of industrial relation is a developing and dynamic concept and does not limit itself merely to the complex of relations between the unions and management but also refers to the general web of relationship normally obtaining between employees. A web is much more complex than the simple concept of labour capital conflict. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) “Industrial relations deals with either the relationship between the state, employers' and workers organization or the relation between the occupational organization themselves.” Modern industrialism has not been an unmixed but has created a yawning gulf between management and labour because of the absence of workers ownership of the means of production. Power is concentrated in the hands of a few entrepreneurs, while the majority has been relegated to the insignificant position of merge wage-earners. The workers have now come to realize that most of their demands can be satisfied if they resort to concerted and collective action; while the employers are aware of the fact that they can resist these demands. This denial or refusal to meet their genuine demands has often led to dissatisfaction on the part of the workers, to their distress, and even to violent activities on their part, which have hindered production and harmed both the workers and the employees. In order to analyse the cause of labour – management relations we have to go into the various aspects related with industrial production and productivity. Hence in the present paper the researcher adopted the random sampling technique for the purpose and interviewed with the help of questionnaire. The whole universe has been classified into three groups, - viz. workers, executives and trade union leaders/office bearers of Bokaro Steel Plant. The research proposed to select nearly 160 workers, 70 executives and 70 trade union office bearers/leaders of Bokaro Steel Plant. Thus a total of 300 respondents in all were selected for study. The present study has been divided in IV parts Ist part is introductory whereas the IInd part deals with various segments of labourmanagement relations. The IIIrd part analyses the various aspects of the industrial relations concerning to trade unions on the basis of primary datas of Bokaro Steel Plant. The last partconcludes the study.
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