Consumption – Complementary Factor of the Saving

Autor: Niþu Oana, Niþu Claudiu Valentin, Tileagã Cosmin Virgil
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series. :624-627
Popis: An objective of this analytical approach is to demonstrate that alike the income, the expenses vary also depending on the life cycle of individuals, living environment, and some personal characteristics, too, based on these criteria, major differences in household consumption expenditure resulting. Thus, the main purpose of the expenditure incurred by the population, being the consumption of food and nonfood supplies, services and transfers to the public and the social security budgets. This guidance is based on public expenditure action of objective and subjective factors, that incite individuals do not consume much of the income, but to save.
Databáze: OpenAIRE