Determinants of smallholder maize supply to private traders and profitability: evidence from lilongwe district in central Malawi

Autor: Maganga, Assa M.
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: This study was devoted to estimate profitability and various determinants of quantities of maize sold to private traders by smallholder farmers in Lilongwe district. Multiple Regression analysis was employed to test various determinants of quantities of maize sold to private traders. Gross margin analysis was used to estimate economic returns realized by the smallholder maize farmers supplying their produce to exporting traders. The findings of the study revealed that income level of the household, household size, access to extension service, education level of household head, size of land under maize production and price of maize were important determinants of quantities of maize that a given household sold to private traders. The gross margin per Malawi Kwacha invested was MK2.98.
Databáze: OpenAIRE