Methodical approach to selection of the strategy of management of money flows of water transport companies

Autor: Shpyrko Olga M., Semenova Svetlana N.
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: The Problems of Economy. (2):181-189
Popis: The article analyses prerequisites and a necessity of development of new approaches to formation of the strategy of management of money flows of water transport companies of Ukraine in modern conditions. It justifies urgency of application of a complex and system approaches to formation of the strategy of management of money flows. It offers a conceptual model of strategic management of money flows of a company, which envisages identification of goals, tasks, object, subject, principles, functions of management, stages of formation and realisation of strategy, factors of external and internal environment, methods, instruments and control levers. Methodical approach to selection of the strategy of management of money flows includes the stage of strategic analysis with the help of the developed organisation and information model, system of indicators and assessment of the level of emergency of money flows on the basis of absolute, relative and integral indicators. The emergent property of the money flow is formed on the basis of a combination of components of the money flow by types, volume and time, which allows getting an increase of effectiveness of the money flow and manifests itself in integratedness, effectiveness and perspectiveness. The stage of strategic planning includes formation of the virtual money flow, identification of its trust interval and division of fields of strategic management of money flows. The stage of strategic selection envisages a differential approach to selection of the strategy and formation of a model of strategic management. The stage of realisation of the strategy ensures assessment of effectiveness of decisions made.
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