Technological diffusion, welfare and growth: technological succession in the presence of network externalities

Autor: Windrum Paul, Birchenhall Chris
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: The paper examines the conditions under which technological successions can occur in the presence ofnetwork externalities. A multi-agent model is developed in which the product designs offered by firmsco-evolve with consumer preferences. Firms compete though product innovation. The modelincorporates a modified genetic algorithm (GA) in which imitation is conducted via a process ofselective transfer (a one-way crossover) and internal R&D is conducted via selective mutation.Following an initial period in which old technology firms develop their designs and networkexternalities accrue, a technological shock occurs in which new technology-based firms enter themarket. The findings of the model indicate that a necessary condition for a technological successionare the existence of at least one consumer group that champions the new technology, developing newpreferences for its characteristics. Further, the introduction of novel characteristics are have a greaterbearing on the probability of a succession than incremental gains in characteristics offered by the oldtechnology. Third, the analysis identifies an inverse relationship between time the probability of atechnological succession.
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