Farm level policy scenario analysis

Autor: Alexander Gocht, Wolfgang Britz, Marcel Adenäuer, Pavel Ciaian, Sergio Gomez y Paloma
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: This study presents a quantitative policy impact analysis of alternative policy and macroeconomic assumptions in the agricultural farming sector. Three scenarios are considered: direct payment scenario, macroeconomic environment scenario and WTO scenario. We apply the CAPRI-Farm model, an extension of CAPRI which disaggregates the standard Nuts2 regional resolution of the supply models in CAPRI further to farm type models, capturing farm heterogeneity in terms of farm specialization and farm size across all EU regions and MS. The advantage of the CAPRI-Farm model compared to other similar models is that it represents comprehensively all major farm types in the EU and it links farm level behaviour with output and input market price responses
Databáze: OpenAIRE