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Approximation of the plane point finite system is not only a theoretical problem. It exists also in engineering and economy. The points on the plane are the result of investigation and experience. So, it is highly probable to obtain results – points that are “not congruent” with the others. Sometimes it happens just accidentally, it may, however, be also the evidence of some anomalies. In this article, we consider a finite plane points the system dispersed along the straight line, including the points “not congruent” with the system. While seeking the regression curve describing a given plane point system, we often ask ourselves to what extent the curve course is influenced by those “not congruent” points. The method proposed previously assumed that the curve course is not influenced substantially by those “not congruent” points and approximated the whole system by a straight line or eliminated those points and the remaining system was approximated by the straight line. In the method described below no point is rejected. As an approximating curve there was assumed a figure being the sum of point and straight lines, and afterwards its parameter were determined. The straight line obtained in this way – called the resistant regression line – does not depend on the “not congruent” points described by the point determined. The method is illustrated by examples calculating each time – for comparison – the residstant regression straight line and the regression straight line. |