Price and Wage Rigidities in the Republic of Macedonia: Survey Evidence from Micro- Level Data

Autor: Florian Huber, Magdalena Petrovska
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: This paper exploits the information collected from an ad hoc survey conducted on a sample of Macedonian firms to study the extent of nominal price and wage rigidities in the Republic of Macedonia. The research was motivated by the observation that sticky prices influence the responsiveness of inflation to changes in a central bank’s policy rate. Against this background, the paper investigates the relative importance of most determinants of the frequency of price and wage changes identified in the literature. This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of ordinal data. Posterior inference is carried out using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. Infusing the model with prior information allows us to shrink the parameter space, resulting in more precise and reliable parameter estimates. Our results suggest that higher price flexibility is associated with a higher degree of product market competition. Specifically, we find that firms facing high levels of domestic and international competition tend to adjust prices faster.
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