'Does teacher preparation matter? pupil academic achievement and teacher’s college preparation'

Autor: Mason, Patrick L.
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: This study examines whether there is differential productivity associated with teachers trained within Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University’s college of education relative to teachers trained in other colleges and schools affiliated with the same university. We also examined whether there is differential productivity associated with alternative majors within and between the college of education and other academic units. We measure the productivity of a teacher by the educational achievement of pupils assigned to that teacher during a given year. We find that among pupils taught by recent graduates of FAMU, there is greater academic achievement among elementary school pupils taught by a teacher with a college major in elementary education than among elementary school pupils taught by a teacher with a college major in either secondary education or a non-education subject area. However, relative to secondary education and non-education majors, elementary education majors provide less value-added in middle school and high school.
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