Vision and strategy at BANAT-CRISANA Financial Investment Company

Autor: Ioan CUZMAN, Daniel MANATE, Pavel FĂRCAŞ
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Timisoara Journal of Economics. 5(17):47-57
Popis: The financial investment companies’ portfolio management consists in converting vision into an investment strategy in accordance with the turbulent and complex macroeconomical context. In the particular case of a financial investment company, performant information management becomes an indispensable condition for creating and maintaining investment intelligence suitable to an accessible investment universe and to the investment objectives regarded as responsibilities taken before the owners. The final goal is to realize the optimal target portfolio according to the return objectives adjusted with the risk. Nevertheless, it is necessary that a financial investment company’s strategic investment objectives refer to, and integrate the risk element as well. Risk management incorporates the “risk” element into investment reports and allows for a better understanding of the investment risk and of some other important concepts, such as “risk adjusted return”. Competitive intelligence is needed to lead investment decision, by integrating the early warning system with risk management through a full set of procedures and practices. Given the importance that human resource intellectual capital – consisting of experience, professional knowledge and unique personal abilities – from the investment industry has upon intellectual capital development, alongside adequate recruitment and motivation techniques, career planning, replacement plans, training programs, employees flow control, etc., management must also take into account the creation of compulsory professional knowledge that can sustain the development of intellectual capital.
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