The 2013 PREDICT report: An Analysis of ICT R&D in the EU and beyond

Autor: Matilde Mas, Juan Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: The 2013 PREDICT report provides an overview of the importance of the EU ICT sector and its R&D performance. The report gives detailed information on the progress made by the ICT sector comprising both ICT manufacturing and ICT service. The analysis is carried out by comparing EU Member State with other non-EU economies that are currently leading the world economy, including both developed and emerging economies. The report found the trends that the EU ICT sector had a reduction in its share in total value added, business enterprise expenditure on R&D (BERD), R&D personnel and R&D researchers over the period 2006-2010, while its share in terms of employment remained stable. The EU ICT services sector performed better than the ICT manufacturing sector since the former showed more positive results in the observed variables than the economy in general. Finally, the US kept the lead in all variables —but especially in labour productivity and BERD intensity— widening the gap with the EU.
Databáze: OpenAIRE