Monthly Report No. 12/2010

Autor: Joseph F. Francois, Michael Landesmann, Leon Podkaminer, Julia Wörz
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: A structural decomposition of international trade (by J.F. Francois and J. Wörz; pp. 1-7) Keywords international trade, trade intensity, manufacturing Countries covered EU, CEE, OECD, East Asia Topics International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI Migration, skills and productivity (by P. Huber and M. Landesmann; pp. 8-11) Keywords migration, skills, productivity Countries covered European Union Topics Labour, Migration and Income Distribution Structural root causes of the debt crises/heterogeneity (by L. Podkaminer; pp. 12) Keywords debt crisis, macroeconomic heterogeneity Countries covered European Union Topics Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Statistical Annex Selected monthly data on the economic situation in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 13-20) Guide to wiiw statistical services on Central, East and Southeast Europe, Russia and Ukraine (p. 21)
Databáze: OpenAIRE