Transiciones laborales, reformas estructurales y vulnerabilidad laboral en el Perú

Autor: Rosa Morales, Jose Rodriguez, Rodrigo Montes, Minoru Higa
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: This paper analyses the labor market dynamics in Peru through the labor market transitions. Specifically, to determine if the labor vulnerability had been reduced, measured as the probability of losing a formal job and, in particular, getting an informal job. On the matter, not enough evidence was found to prove that the vulnerability have reduced between 1998 and 2008. On the other hand, we studied if the structural reforms of the nineties affect labor vulnerability. Using a multinomial probit model, we found evidence to state that the structural reforms contribute to keep a formal job but with a reduced effect, compared with some of the other control variables, such as schooling or sex.
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