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El abordaje del paciente fumador, una vez analizada la situación de su proceso personal de abandono del tabaco, así como el grado de dependencia nicotínica, puede realizarse mediante un tratamiento no farmacológico o farmacológico. El tratamiento no farmacológico se fundamenta en la denominada intervención mínima y en la reducción progresiva de nicotina, y el tratamiento farmacológico en la terapia sustitutiva nicotínica (de la que en España disponemos de tres formas de uso: chicles, parches transdérmicos o spray nasal) y en el bupropión, recientemente comercializado en nuestro país, existiendo otros fármacos pero que por sus características de uso exceden del objetivo del presente trabajo, que no es otro que facilitar un adiestramiento en los métodos terapéuticos que han demostrado su eficacia y que, de forma factible, se pueden emplear en cualquier consulta de Atención Primaria. Once analyzed the situation of the smoker’s personal abandonment tobacco process as well as the degree of nicotin dependence, his therapeutic tackling can be accomplished through either a non pharmacological or pharmacological treatment. The non pharmacological treatment is based on the so called supportive smoking cessation counseling and the phase out of tobacco consumption, and the pharmacological treatment is based on nicotine replacement therapy (of wich there are three different forms in Spain: chewing gums, transdermal nicotine patch or nasal sprays) and also on the so called bupropion that has been recently marketed in our country. There are other pharmacological treatments which, owing to their characteristics use, exceed the aim of this article: that is, to facilitate a training in the therapeutic methods that have demonstrated its efficiency and that, in a feasible way, can be used in any Primary Health Care surgery. |