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Full edentulism is characterized by the complete loss of permanent teeth, resulting in aesthetic, structural and functional changes which can negatively impact quality of life, and which are minimized through rehabilitation with complete dentures. The aim of this study was to compare oral health-related quality of life in patients with complete original dentures three months after installation of new dentures and two years after fabrication of new complete removable dentures. In this longitudinal comparative study, 15 volunteers of both genders, aged 50 to 82 years, who sought treatment at the Department of Dentistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, participated in the preparation of new dentures. The Brazilian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile for edentulous patients (OHIP-EDENT) was used to evaluate quality of life. Data analysis was performed descriptively and with hypothesis testing using the Friedman and Wilcoxon tests with 5% significance level. In relation to the OHIP-EDENT domains, there was a difference for chewing discomfort and inability to chew between baseline and two years. However, there was no difference between the evaluated periods in the areas ofpain and orofacial muscle discomfort, psychological inability and social disability. Improvement indicators in patient quality of life were observed in the area of discomfort and inability to chew between baseline and 2 years. O edentulismo completo caracteriza-se pela perda total dos dentes permanentes, resultando em alteraçoes estéticas, estruturais e funcionais, podendo impactar negativamente na qualidade de vida, sendo minimizado através da reabilitaçâo com a protese dentària. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde oral em pacientes com a protese original completamaxilar e mandibular, très meses após instalaçâo da nova protese e dois anos depois da confecçâo da nova protese total bimaxilar removível. Nesse estudo comparativo longitudinal, participaram 15 voluntàrios, com faixa etària entre 50 e 82 anos, de ambos os sexos, que buscaram tratamento no Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, para a confecçâo de novaspróteses. Utilizou-se a versâo brasileira do Oral Health Impact Profile para pacientes edêntulos (OHIP-EDENT) para avaliar a qualidade de vida. A análise dos dados foi realizada de forma descritiva e analítica com os testes de Friedman e Wilcoxon, com nivel de significância de 5%.Em relaçâo aos dominios do OHIP-EDENT, verificou-se diferença para desconforto e incapacidade mastigatória entre a avaliaçâo inicial e após dois anos. Nos dominios Dor e desconforto orofacial, Incapacidade Psicológica e Incapa-cidade Social, nâo ocorreram diferenças entre os períodos avaliados. Foram observados indicadores de melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, no dominio desconforto e incapacidade mastigatória entre a avaliaçâo e a 2 anos. |