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Foram analisadas 326 amostras de fezes diarréicas provenientes de crianças entre 0 a 5 anos, internadas em dois hospitais de reidratação do Recife, Pernambuco. Foi introduzido o meio de Cary & Blair a 4 -C para transporte das fezes, não havendo diferença no percentual de isolamento quando o material permaneceu no meio de transporte entre 3 a 7 dias. Dos exames, 19,02% estavam positivos para um ou mais dos agentes bacterianos pesquisados, tendo sido encontrados 26 Salmonella de 3 espécies, 21 Escherichia coli enteroinvasiva, 10 Shigella de 3 sorotipos e 1 Yersisnia enterocolitica. 326 samples of diarrheal feces obtained from children whose ages ranged from zero to 5 years, admitted in two rehydration hospitals in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, were analyzed. feces were placed in Cary-Blair medium (4ºC) for shipment to the laboratory. There was no difference in the rate of bacteria isolation if the samples were analyzed within the period from 3 to 7 days of collection. 19.02% pf the analyzed samples were positives for at least one of the searched bacteria, 26 Salmonella belonging to 3 species, 21 classic enteropathogenic E. cli, O invasive E. cli, 10 Shigella belonging to 3 serotypes and 1 Yersinia enterocolitica were found. |