Meningoencefalomielite amebiana primaria: registro de caso

Autor: Salles-Gomes Jr., C. E., Barbosa, E. R., Nobrega, J. P. S., Scaff, M., Spina-França, A.
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Pages: 139-142, Published: JUN 1978
Popis: Registro de caso meningo-encefalo-mielite determinada por ameba de vida livre. Esta foi isolada a partir do LCR do paciente e identificada como Naegleria sp. A mesma ameba foi isolada em amostra de água da lagoa na qual o paciente costumava nadar. A terapêutica por Anfotericina-B foi satisfatória, tendo havido remissão do processo infeccioso. Como seqüela restaram alterações sensitivo-motoras decorrentes do processo mielítico. A case of primary amebic meningoencephalomyelitis due to Naegleria sp observed in a 14 years old boy is reported. Symptoms due to myelitis at the dorsal level assumed ascending character during the first days of disease. Manifestations due to encephalic involvemente were discrete. Cerebrospinal fluid changes were marked by pleocytosis, and the eosinophil cells participation in the cytomorptiological profile was persistently high. Amphotericin-B was used intravenously (25 mgm/day) until 1,500 mgm of total dosis. Remission of encephalitic manifestations was prompt, as well as of meningeal signs. Cerebrospinal fluid changes disappeared progressively. Sensitive-motor changes due to spinal cord involvement persisted as permanent sequelae. Naegleria sp., was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid in the acute stage of the disease, as well as, from the water of a lagoon where the patient used to swimm.
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